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Leverage Your Database

December 15, 20221 min read

Let me ask you a question...

What do you do with your database?

Chances are, you’ll say it’s to communicate with prospects regularly.

After all, the goal is to get them to buy from you eventually.

But guess what?

You can leverage your database to expand your business.

And I don’t just mean the additional revenue that’ll come in after converting your leads.

I’m talking about leveraging your database to open opportunities…

Build strategic partnerships…

And make other businesses chase you.

Let me explain how this works.

If someone asked me, “David, how many clients do you have?”

I’ll say a small number.

But if they ask me, “How many people in business do you communicate with?”

Then I can give them a bigger number – perhaps 10,000 people in my database.

Suddenly, the person I’m talking to will take more interest in me.

Because they see the 10,000 people in my database as a way for them to increase their market reach.

And because I can leverage my database, that will benefit my business.

I can use it to make other businesses chase me for a partnership.

And if they’re chasing me, that gives me the upper hand. 

They’ll have to give me something that I want.

…Something that can help my business grow and scale.

Needless to say…

The number in my database increases the value of my business.

And the best part?

I can use the same database to partner with 100 other businesses.

Each of these strategic partnerships can give me something valuable in exchange for my huge database.

See how leveraging my database can help my business grow?

This is why I truly believe that you shouldn't undervalue your database.

It can open doors of opportunity for your business.

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