As the world speeds up, so does the pace of change. The old ways of doing business just don’t cut it any more.

The new way of doing business is fast, dynamic and directly linked to the market. That means changing the way we view our client attraction, service delivery and wealth creation strategies.

Register for 'Constant Optimisation'

Are you a business owner? ⬇️

As 2023 comes to an end, now is the perfect time to re-strategize your business for 2024. Building innovation into your business DNA will strengthen your systems and give you a solid platform to scale.

Join me and our highly regarded panel of experts as we navigate how to optimise your…

  1. Client attraction system

  2. Business planning system, and your

  3. Wealth creation and preservations system

Livestream Date & Time:

Wednesday, 25th October 2023 @ 8:30am - 10:00am

The Presenters:


Drive Up Digital Marketing ROI with Constant Testing & Conversion Rate Optimisation

Steve Foura | Business Assist

Having a great targeted message and good offer is no longer enough to generate quality leads at a good ROI. Businesses need to be continually testing: channels, Ad headlines, copy, offers, images, etc., with a focus on constantly reducing cost per lead and increasing the ROI of their digital marketing spend. Testing needs to be a key part of the Conversion Rate Optimisation required for every digital marketing channel strategy to deliver a great ROI.

Steve has a long career in Marketing Consulting and Digital Marketing Strategy, including 7 years of lecturing in digital marketing at post-graduate level after completing his Masters in eBusiness.

Although starting his career in Electrical Engineering, Steve quickly moved into Marketing and launched Business Assist in 1995, focused on delivering clients a great return on investment. The agency’s current positioning statement of “Digital Marketing Results” continues this long tradition of delivering results at a great ROI for clients.


Optimising and Protecting the Future of Your Business in a Fast Moving Financial Landscape

Brett Hansen | Hansen's Business and Accounting Services

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Most businesses are too busy looking at what they achieved over the last 12 months and fail by thinking things are going to be the same. The last 4 years have shown us the world is changing and the current financial landscape takes no prisoners. What is your business doing to plan and protect your future cash flow, and how will it be protected from sudden and unexpected roadblocks.

There’s that old cliché of becoming an accountant because you were good with numbers. But after starting his profession in 1993, Brett Hansen realised that his real passion was for business and the people behind those organisations. For over 25 years Brett has been at the fore-front of professional advisory and financial technology. Through his company Hansen & Wills he continues to lead the way. Supporting owners with their structure, growth and preparations to exit the business.

Brett leads a team of business and accounting professionals that believe that when you work with people who love what they do, you can have a lot of fun and do amazing things.

At Hansens, we love your business.


Dynamic Planning: How to Have a Business Plan that Drives Results

David Guest | Outcomes Business Group

Most businesses don’t have a current plan to drive growth. That’s because things are moving too quickly and as soon as the ink dries, your plan is out of date. Having a planning system installed in your business will allow for the corrections to be done on the fly, keeping your plan current and active.

David Guest has worked with thousands of business owners over the past 23 years, helping them scale and build robust, profitable business platforms that stand the test of time.

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