David Guest Keynote Speaker

David will inspire you and motivate you with his plain, down to earth, straight talk about how to grow your business.

A high school drop-out, David never worked well in the world of academia, he has always been a focused, practical, hands-on growth strategist.

Gleaning his business knowledge from reading thousands of books, studying successful business owners and seeing what really works, rather than the platitudes of business theory. In fact, he has interviewed over 5,000 individual business owners to understand what makes them tick and help pinpoint where they can get dramatic gains quickly.

His fresh, direct and practical style has helped thousands of business owners propel their growth and see spectacular results.

David's personal vision is to reinvigorate the business dream. Coming from a family of business owners and entrepreneurs, he eats, breathes and lives business and has done so all his life.

"Spend a few minutes with David, and you'll quickly realise he knows his stuff."

The last 20 years he has been dedicated to making a difference by elevating the status of being a business owner from self-employment to creating leveraged highly profitable businesses that runs without the owners direct effort.

David believes that a successful economy is founded on small business and the business owners ability to scale, add value and create jobs.

In his career he has followed some of the most successful entrepreneurs, coaches and leaders to extract the best most practical strategies and integrate them into his business building programs.

David’s passion, dedication and 20,000+ hours of coaching business owners come through in his engaging and practical presentations.

"Spend a few minutes with David, and you'll quickly realise he knows his stuff."

For more than 20 years he has been dedicated to making a difference by elevating the status of being a business owner from self-employment to creating leveraged highly profitable businesses that runs without the owners direct effort.

David believes that a successful economy is founded on small business, and the business owners ability to scale, add value and create jobs.

In his career he has followed some of the most successful entrepreneurs, coaches and leaders to extract the best most practical strategies and integrate them into his business building programs.

David’s passion, dedication and 20,000+ hours of coaching business owners come through in his engaging and practical presentations.

Some of the topics that really give his tribe some great insights and actionable strategies include.

  • The 7 best kept secrets to business success

  • Creating Your business accelerator plan

  • How to build a referral based business

  • Creating a frictionless sales process

  • 6 Keys to creating synergy in your team - Getting the right people on the bus, building your championship team

  • Boosting productivity through effective delegation

  • Clients for life, the ultimate retention strategy

  • Numbers driven growth, using your scorecard to reduce noise and accelerate growth

  • How to eliminate price competition

David Guest


Outcomes Business Group

My purpose in life is to help as many business owners as possible to scale their businesses and add value to the economy and every individual they connect with.

I do this through engaging and inspiring the people I meet with proven, practical business growth strategies.

If you'd like to find out how I can help to inspire both you and your community, lets book a time to chat.

Client Success...

Machines4U grows 600% in 2 years!

How DDB Design and Construct doubled their business while taking more holidays

How Joel restarted his business after it came to a grinding halt

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