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Your Ultimate Brand Ambassadors
If you’ve read my past blog posts, then you’re now familiar with the Ladder of Loyalty.
We’ve talked about turning suspects into prospects, then shoppers to customers, all the way to making them your members. But that’s not the end.
We're not settling for just "members."
Sure, members are locked in. They're paying, they're connected, and they’re loyal. But I want us to dive deeper—to go beyond that.
Don’t Stop With Turning Customers Into Members
Members, they're your big backers. Your ride-or-die pals who stick around through thick and thin.
They're the ones who say: "Every time I've got a problem, you're the one I turn to because you're the best."
It's amazing to have them, right? But we can kick it up a notch.
Enter the realm of "advocates." See, advocates aren't just satisfied with your service. Rather, they've become your cheerleaders, your promoters. They’re out there telling everyone about your product or service. What’s more, advocates are all about those glowing testimonials, and they're eager to drop your name whenever someone has a problem you can solve.
They’re great to have, but there's one level beyond this that's truly remarkable. This level is what we call having "raving fans."
So, what sets the two apart?
Well, advocates refer work to you when it's needed, on demand. But raving fans? They can't stop talking about you. They're your super fans, your most dedicated supporters.
Raving fans aren't just customers. They're your brand's ultimate ambassadors. They shout your name from the rooftops, and share your awesomeness with anyone who will listen. This is because they genuinely love what you do.
Now that you know the difference, it’s time to think about this:
How do I turn my awesome members into even more awesome advocates and raving fans?
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