Your Success = Our Success

See what others have to say about working with Outcomes

How Joel restarted his business after it came to a grinding halt

Joel Hewish from United Global Capital initially built his business off the back of one referral partner and when that referral partner sold his business, their new business completely dried up. After 3 months of losing money Joel decided he needed help so he began working with a business coach to restructure the business and create a marketing plan. Since working with a coach the business has quintupled, going from a team of 5 to 15 and Joel no longer sees clients but rather spends his time working on the growth and strategic plans for the future of the business.

Walk On Podiatry Strolls To a Better Business

Brad founded Walk-on podiatry in 2005 and found that even as he worked harder and harder, more money coming in meant more expenses and stressful long hours. Something had to change if he was to continue running the business. That change came through coaching, and as his business coach took him ‘off the tools’ and encouraged him to work on the business, he started to see massive growth. Since starting coaching, the business has grown from 1 to 4 clinics, 3 to 12 podiatrists and seen a 300% increase in revenue, as well as allowing Brad to spend more time at home with his baby daughter while his business continues to grow in the background.

How Murname Print Group quadrupled sales in less than 6 months

Struggling with cash flow, time management and survival of her business Emma from Murnane Print Group began business coaching to help turn her business around. Emma says she used to “wear every hat” in the business, she needed to learn how to delegate and prioritise. As a result of coaching her productivity increased, and her time management drastically improved. Emma began to “work smarter, not harder” by setting goals, and understanding her numbers. As a result Murname Print Group’s sales quadrupled in a 6 month period.

El Patio unshackle their business and grow while working less

Toni from El Patio Spanish School started 18 years ago but got into a bind because didn’t know how to grow due to cashflow constraints. She needed help to step it up. Working with a coach showed us how to manage people, delegate and get more time back while making more profit.

Running the business is another skill-set that most business owners never consider and needs to be learnt to expand. If you want to transition from working in the business to working on the business, this is the way.

NBD Floors Runs Under Management…

Robert Kuypers from NBD floors has been in business for over 15 years. Working with a business coach, he has grown the business four fold and started to make himself redundant. He now takes 5 weeks off every year to explore the world.

How Andrew Marmont Turned A Business Dependent On Him Into One That Runs Without Him

Andrew Marmont is a content writer and runs Conqurve Content Marketing. He knew he needed business knowledge to be able to leverage his skills as a writer into a business that goes beyond himself. Andrew’s coach helped him gain a vision of where the business should be and turned this vision into offerings that go beyond just himself. Andrew has grown the business into one that can run without him and was able to go on holiday and be away from his business as it continued to thrive.

For Resolve Image Solutions, All Signs Point To Business Growth

Sean Kelly runs a Resolve Image Solutions, a signage company. He started the business from scratch and soon realized he needed a coach to help grow and take the business to the next level. In the two years since the company has doubled in size and tripled in staff. Sean has also improved his work-life balance and now works fewer hours while his team continues to grow the business.

BodyRight Healthcare’s Business Growth Story

Mark Schneider owns BodyRight Healthcare, who provide allied health solutions for the aged care, community care, and disability sectors. Having been a sole trader working from home for some years, Mark made the decision that he wanted to stop being a ‘workhorse’ and grow his business beyond just him, which led him to a coaching program. Mark has been able to expand his business and moved into an office. His coach has given him a thorough understanding of the key inner workings of the business, knowledge that acts as a platform for growth.

Malusen Flats turn hay making into money making…

Eldon and Barb run a hay making business in Northern Victoria. Working up to 24 hours a day at times they started to feel a little bit overwhelmed. They wanted to grow and weren’t sure how.Their coach made them look at numbers and made them more accountable. That gave them the courage to employ and start to take control of the business instead of just letting things roll on. In 18 months they have doubled their income and multiplied their profit by 10 times.

Associated Printers grow in a contracting market through innovation

Therese & Eddie Ereira own Associated Printers and manage a team of print specialists who provide premium print solutions to large and small businesses a like. Since working with Outcomes Business Group, they have increased their monthly revenue by 250% and completely changed the way they run their business. Watch the video to hear their story.

Cornerstone Business Solutions benefits from creating business systems

David Warne, founded Cornerstone Business Solutions in 2015. Once beginning coaching, David expected his business to go onwards and upwards straight away but instead along with the help of his Coach they took a step back and rebuilt the foundations, rebuilt his message, got clear on how they differ from everyone else, and set some major goals. David says that everything changed after that process. They now have sales processes and marketing processes in place as well as a more structured approach for his staff and sees changes in the way he manages.

David’s next plans within the business are for him to move out of a sales position, to free up more time to grow himself from being a small-medium business owner to a great CEO that can really make a big difference. He has big plans to expand his office space and employ more staff.

Machines4U grows 600% in 2 years!

Machines4U was founded in 2006 in the back end of a bedroom. As the business started to grow, they worked with other coaches in small bursts but weren’t getting any traction and got stuck in a rut.

Once started with one of our coaches David Guest, the business grew dramatically in the space of 24 months with a 600% growth in revenue. The back end of a bedroom became a 320 Square Meter Office and the team grew accordingly.

PMT Security $1.6m to $3.5m in 2 years

You don't have to work your guts out to get ahead. If you work smarter you can you can certainly make a lot of dough and live pretty comfortably.

We were probably at a 1. 6 million dollar business. We just turned over 3. 5. That's in the space of about two to three years.

We don't work Saturdays anymore. We're not there till 6 o'clock every night. It's amazing. We've scaled back our workload and we're making more dough.

Brett Taylor - PMT Security

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