Creating Your 5 Year Vivid Vision

This simple activity will change the way you run your business!

Invest 10 minutes completing this short questionnaire and begin the journey to building your compelling vision.

This activity is designed to take advantage of the most powerful part of your brain, the Reticular Activating System.

It’s like having a GPS directing you toward your goals!

Let's get started....

The Time Machine Theory

Imagine we have a time machine and set the dials for exactly 5 years into the future.

We open the door and arrive at your business.

Now I want you to describe, in as much detail as possible, how it would look if everything went perfectly to plan. The more detail the better.

How big is your future (5 Years from now) business? # of clients, annual revenue, annual profit, your take home income?

The People

In 5 years, how many employees do you have? What roles do they play? What role do you play in the business?

The Culture

What's most important to the stakeholders of the business? (Owner/Customer/Team/Business)

Your Ideal Client

5 years from now, who do you serve, in other words, who is your Ideal Client? (Be as specific as you can)

Your Uniqueness

When we look forward 5 years, why is your business different from all of your competition, what makes you unique? What makes you the best at what you do?

Client Attraction

In 5 years, how do you market your business, what are the primary methods/strategies that you use?

Are there any businesses that you have strategic alliances with?

Your Vivid Vision

So, in a nutshell, what set of short statements captures your total 5 year vision, mission and values of your business?

Your Mission

What do we do? How do we do it? Whom do we do it for? What value are we bringing?

Congratulations! Now that you have completed your 5 year vivid vision, we will email you the document for reference.

We'll also review your anwwers and provide feedback to ensure your vision is both compelling and drives growth.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

By creating a vivid picture of your dream business, you will allow your brain to subconsciously get to work identifying the resources and direction you will need to get there.


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