The Outcomes Business Roadmap

The Outcomes Business Roadmap is a course designed to give business owners the tools they need to break through the $1M barrier and turn self-employment into a real business that is both commercial and profitable.

Start Here

Every business owners needs to have a clear picture of how they will exit the business. By beginning with the end in mind, we can build a high value, scalable and sustainable business.

Training 1:

Getting Back in Control

What You'll Learn in This Training:

Recognising the Self-Employed Dilemma: Understanding the common trap where self-employed individuals find themselves too immersed in day-to-day tasks to focus on growth.

Foundational Elements of Business Growth: Exploring the three critical elements that constitute the backbone of any successful business growth strategy.

Transitioning from Chaos to Structure: Learning how to shift focus from expanding chaos to establishing key fundamentals that lay the groundwork for business growth.

Training 2:

Boost Your Cashflow

What You'll Learn in This Training:

Prioritising Cash Flow in Business: Understanding the paramount importance of cash in business, especially in the context of growth and expansion.

Adopting the 'Sales Above All' Rule: Learning the significance of prioritizing sales to ensure a strong and consistent financial foundation for the business.

Developing a Predictable Sales Funnel: Gaining expertise in creating and managing a sales funnel that reliably generates cash flow.

Training 3: Building a Self-Managed Team

This training helps you do these 3 things:

Get out of Chaos: Take control of your business so you can prepare for growth

Turn up the Volume: Get your team on-board with growing the business profits

Leverage: Scale the business while delegating the responsibility to avoid burnout

Training 4:

Leveraging Yourself Out

What You'll Learn in This Training:

Focusing on Direction and Team Building: Learning the critical role of the business owner in steering the business towards its goals and assembling the right team to get there.

Optimizing the Business Owner's Time: Discussing strategies for the best use of a business owner's time to maximize the business's value and potential.

Setting Up for Succession: Exploring how establishing a succession plan is not only essential but also an opportunity for the owner to add significant value to the business.

Who am I?


David Guest - Outcomes Business Group

I'm David Guest, Founder of Outcomes Business Group. I created this program because I believe that anyone that has the guts to run their own business also has the right to a business education.

I've created this program so that you can get the knowledge you need to fast track your growth to $1M and beyond for FREE. My goal is to give you more value that many more expensive training programs so you can use your available cash for growth.

I’m going to give you the frameworks and tools that have helped thousands of people build their businesses to and beyond $1M. I would prefer to do this 1-on-1 but to make it accessible and affordable, you get to watch it here free.

In my 23 years working with directly business owners, I have individually interviewed over 5,023 owners and clocked up over 20,000 coaching hours. During that time I have built hundreds of companies to $10m plus with the tools I'll be sharing with you here.

Here are some examples:

● Joel multiplied his business by five in the first year and is on a continual growth trajectory

● Brad quadrupled his team and grew his revenue by 300%

● Emma quadrupled her business in 6 months

● Robert made himself redundant in 3 years and retired early

In fact, there are so many more success stories you can find here.

I have never understood why these fundamentals are not taught at schools and to professionals coming out of university...

So I have decided to give it to you here, for free.

My point with these videos is to teach you the fundamentals that will get you to smash through $1M fast. And once you're on your way you can reach out and see how we can help you on the next leg of your business growth journey. So enjoy!


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